The Thief's Story English Class:10th Footprints without Feet Chapter:- 2

  The Thief's  Story English Class:10th Footprints without Feet Chapter:- 2                                        By:- Ruskin Bond   Chapter Overview The story highlights how kindness, compassion and trust can change even criminals. In the story, a 15 year old thief named Hari Singh, undergoes a changes when he meets Anil, a 25 year old writer. Anil's unspoken words and kind gestures leave a very positive impact on Hari Singh's life. As a result, Hari could not rab Anil as he had planned. He realised the importance of education and became a better man under Anil's company. About the Characters Hari Singh:-   (The Narrator) He is a 15 year old, experienced thief. He is keen on learning how to read and write. Anil:-   He is a 25 year old, tall and lean man who earns h...

Narration for class 6th to 12th


By:- R.K.Verma 

  • An act of telling or narrating a story

There are two types of narration 

  1. Direct speech 

  2. Indirect speech 

  1. Direct speech:- जब कोई व्यक्ति किसी वक्ता के कहे हुए कथन को बिना किसी परिवर्तन के अभिव्यक्त कर दे वह Direct speech कहलाता है। 

  • Here two people are involved 

Eg:- He said to me, " I work here."


            Said to - Reporting verb

          I work here - Reported speech

  1. Indirect speech:- जब कोई व्यक्ति किसी वक्ता के कहे हुए कथन को अपने शब्दों में कुछ जरूरी परिवर्तन कर प्रस्तुत करें तो वह Indirect Speech कहलाता है।

  • Here three people are involved 

Eg:- He told me that he worked there.

  • Change into Indirect speech

  1. General Rules 

  1. Change of person

  2. Change of Tense

  3. Change of other parts of speech


      2. Special Rules 

  1. General Rules

  1. Change of person:-  

  • Inverted commas के बदलते 'that'  का प्रयोग करें। 

  • Pronoun नीचे दिए गए नियमानुसार change करें। 


  1. He says, " I work hard."

           He says that he works hard. 

  1. He says to me, " You work hard. "

            He tells me that I work hard.

  1. He says to me, " She works hard. "

           He tells me that she works hard.

  • Say to/ says to/said to - tell/ tells/told

  • Say/says/said- No change

Eg:- He says to me," you work hard."

 He tells me that I work hard.

He says, " I work hard."

He says that he works hard.

  • अगर Reporting verb present or future Tense में हो, तो Reported speech केTense  में कोई बदलाव नहीं किया जाता है। 

  • Person बदलते समय number and case का विशेष ध्यान रखें क्योंकि ये नहीं बदलते हैं। 



Home work:- 

b. Change of Tense

जब Reporting verb past Tense में रहता है, तब Inverted commas के भीतर प्रयुक्त Tense में परिवर्तन होता है।  यह परिवर्तन इस प्रकार होता है- 


Home work:- 


अगर Reporting verb past में हो और reported speech  universal truth / Idiom / Phrase / Habitual action अथवा Historical fact हो तो reported speech के tense में कोई बदलाव नहीं किया जाता है। 

Eg:-  He said, " The sun is a star."

He said that the sun is a star.

He said, " The earth is round."

He said that the earth is round.

My father said to me, " Honesty is the best policy.

My father told me that honesty is the best policy.

He said, " Work is worship. "

He said that work is worship. 

The teacher said, " The sun rises in the east.

The teacher said that the sun rises in the east.

He said, " The sun sets in the west."

He said that the sun sets in the west.

He said, " Two and two is four."

He said that two and two is four.

C. Change of other parts of speech 

जब Reporting verb past Tense में रहता है, तब Reported speech में जितने भी निकटतासूचक शब्द रहते हैं,  वे सब के सब Indirect speech में दूरी सूचक शब्द में बदल जाते हैं।  जैसे:- 


Home work:- 

2. Special Rules

  1. Special Rules: Interrogative sentence

  • Reporting verb को ask में बदल दे।

  • ? mark को .  में convert करे।

  • Inverted commas के बदलते if or whether का प्रयोग करें।  

  •  यदि Reported speech 'wh family' से  start हो तो wh word ही रहने दें। 

  • Tense, pronoun etc में  परिवर्तन नियमानुसार होगें। 


Home work:- 

Question based on wh family:- 



Special Rules:- Imperative Sentence

Imperative sentence से generally: order, command, advice or request का बोध होता है।  इसे indirect speech मे बदलने के लिए निम्न तरीके अपनाए:- 

  • Reporting verb के अर्थ के अनुसार tell / ask/order/command/warn/request/suggest/advise में बदल दे। 

  • Direct speech में Reporting verb के बाद object रहे या ना रहे,  Indirect speech मे Reporting verb के बाद object अवश्य दें। 

  • Please, kindly यदि शब्दों का लोप कर दे।

  • Inverted commas को to/ not to में बदल दें।


यदि Imperative sentence Don't से शुरू हो, तो 'not to' का प्रयोग करें। 


Home work:- 

Special Rules: Optative Sentence 

Optative Sentence से अभिशाप, आशीर्वाद, प्रार्थना या इच्छा का बोध होता है।  ऐसे वाक्यों को indirect speech मे इस प्रकार बदलें।

  • Reporting verb को वाक्य के अर्थ के अनुसार curse/bless/pray/wish में बदल दे।  

  • Inverted commas के बदले that दें।

  • Optative sentence  को assertive में बदल दे,  अर्थात subject के बाद verb दें।

  • Exclamation (!) को Full stop ( . ) में बदल दे। 



Home work:- 

Special Rules: Exclamatory Sentence

Exclamatory Sentences से generally: हर्ष,  विषाद, क्रोध, घृणा, आश्चर्य या प्रशंसा के भाव व्यक्त होते हैं।  इन्हें indirect speech में इस प्रकार बदले:

  • Reporting verb को Reported speech के अर्थानुसार exclaim with joy/sorrow/surprise/anger/cotempt/regret/applause में बदल दे। 

  • Inverted commas के बदले that  का प्रयोग करें। 

  • Ah!,Oh!, Alas यादि शब्दों का लोप कर दे। 

  • Exclamatory Sentence को Assertive में बदल दे। 

How to convert Exclamatory sentence into assertive sentences:-

Home work:- 


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