
Showing posts with the label English Class:6 A pact with The Sun Explanation

The Thief's Story English Class:10th Footprints without Feet Chapter:- 2

  The Thief's  Story English Class:10th Footprints without Feet Chapter:- 2                                        By:- Ruskin Bond   Chapter Overview The story highlights how kindness, compassion and trust can change even criminals. In the story, a 15 year old thief named Hari Singh, undergoes a changes when he meets Anil, a 25 year old writer. Anil's unspoken words and kind gestures leave a very positive impact on Hari Singh's life. As a result, Hari could not rab Anil as he had planned. He realised the importance of education and became a better man under Anil's company. About the Characters Hari Singh:-   (The Narrator) He is a 15 year old, experienced thief. He is keen on learning how to read and write. Anil:-   He is a 25 year old, tall and lean man who earns h...

English Class:6 A Pact with the Sun chapter-10 AStrange Wrestling Match Explanation

           A Strange Wrestling Match Part-1 THERE was once a wrestler called Vijay Singh. A tall man with massive shoulders and muscular arms, he towered over others like a giant. Vijay Singh, people said, was a born wrestler and could beat all other wrestlers in the world. वहाँ एक बार एक पहलवान था जिसे विजय सिंह कहा जाता था। विशाल कंधों और मांसल भुजाओं वाला एक लंबा आदमी, वह एक विशाल की तरह दूसरों पर चढ़ गया। विजय सिंह ने कहा, लोग एक पहलवान थे और दुनिया के अन्य सभी पहलवानों को हरा सकते थे। This pahalwan had but one shortcoming which often landed him in awkward situations. He was fond of boasting. One day, he was sitting in the market-place surrounded by several young men. After drinking many glasses of milk, he suddenly proclaimed, “Why are people afraid of ghosts? I am not. I wish I met a stout ghost. I’d teach him a lesson.” इस पहलवान के पास एक कमी थी जो अक्सर उसे अजीब परिस्थितियों में उतारा करती थी। उसे शेखी बघारने का शौक था। ...

English Class:6 A Pact with the Sun chapter-9 What Happened to the Reptile Explanation

                What Happened to the Reptile  YOU may not believe this story. But I can tell you it is true, because I have been to Pambupatti, a village on the edge of the jungle. It is on a cliff, and the vast forest stretches below like a mossy green carpet. There are many kinds of people in the village — dark, fair, tall, short. They speak many languages. Some eat meat, some don’t. Some pray in a small temple at the edge of the forest. Others pray in a mosque some miles away. आपको इस कहानी पर यकीन नहीं हो रहा होगा। लेकिन मैं आपको बता सकता हूं कि यह सच है, क्योंकि मैं जंगल के किनारे के एक गांव पम्बुपट्टी में गया हूं। यह एक चट्टान पर है, और विशाल जंगल एक काई हरी कालीन की तरह नीचे फैला है। गाँव में कई तरह के लोग हैं - अंधेरा, गोरा, लंबा, छोटा। वे कई भाषाएं बोलते हैं। कोई मांस खाता है, कोई नहीं। कुछ लोग जंगल के किनारे एक छोटे से मंदिर में प्रार्थना करते हैं। कुछ लोग मस्जिद में कुछ दूर तक प्रार्थना कर...

English Class:6 A Pact with the Sun. Chapter-8 A pact with the Sun Explanation

                 A Pact with The Sun SAEEDA’S mother had been ailing for a long time —fever, cough, body-ache, painful joints and what not. Treated by a variety of physicians for weeks, she often showed signs of improvement but soon relapsed into her old, sick self, one complaint substituted by another. Though weak and colourless, she was forbidden normal food and was under strict orders to remain perpetually confined to her small, dingy room with doors and windows fastened, deprived of sunshine and fresh air. SAEEDA की माँ लंबे समय से बीमार थी - कभी भी, खाँसी, शरीर में दर्द, दर्दनाक जोड़ों और क्या नहीं। कई तरह के चिकित्सकों द्वारा हफ्तों तक इलाज किया गया, उसने अक्सर सुधार के संकेत दिखाए, लेकिन जल्द ही अपने पुराने, बीमार स्व में वापस आ गई, एक शिकायत दूसरे द्वारा प्रतिस्थापित की गई। हालांकि कमजोर और रंगहीन, उसे सामान्य भोजन की मनाही थी और उसे अपने छोटे, गंदे कमरे में दरवाजे और खिड़कियों के साथ, धूप ...

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