
Showing posts with the label Essay writing for class:6to12

The Thief's Story English Class:10th Footprints without Feet Chapter:- 2

  The Thief's  Story English Class:10th Footprints without Feet Chapter:- 2                                        By:- Ruskin Bond   Chapter Overview The story highlights how kindness, compassion and trust can change even criminals. In the story, a 15 year old thief named Hari Singh, undergoes a changes when he meets Anil, a 25 year old writer. Anil's unspoken words and kind gestures leave a very positive impact on Hari Singh's life. As a result, Hari could not rab Anil as he had planned. He realised the importance of education and became a better man under Anil's company. About the Characters Hari Singh:-   (The Narrator) He is a 15 year old, experienced thief. He is keen on learning how to read and write. Anil:-   He is a 25 year old, tall and lean man who earns h...

Essay on Work is Worship

                               Work is Worship *Introduction.        *Importance of hard work *Staircase toward success *Benefits of hard work *Conclusion *Introduction:- Work is worship is a well-known proverb that compares work with worship. Work means duty, worship is an emblem of sincerity, devotion, honesty, dedication and concentration. Working makes us productive humans and helps us to take care of others. *Importance of Hard Work:- Work is an important part of our life. Life is no life without work. Our forefather and national heroes have always underlined the importance of hard work in their life. It helps a man being punctual, confident, loyal and obedient. It removes our dullness and makes us smart and intelligent. *Work-a-Staircase Towards Success:- Hard work is a staircase towards success. It trains and educates a person’s mind and brings perfection to his life. It improves a...

Essay on School Picnic

                               School Picnic *Introduction.    *The picnic spot.    *Activity *Conclusion *Introduction:- Our school organized a picnic for class 10th last Saturday. About 120 students joined it. Our teachers were with us. The students were extremely excited to reach the destination. At about 9:00 a.m., three busses took us to the National Park in Hazaribagh. During the journey we sang, laughed and joked. *The Picnic Spot:- The picnic spot was pleasant. There were many flowers and green trees in the park. There were many fountains, monuments in the park. Birds were chirping everywhere. The grass was green and soft. The air was fresh. It was a very big, clean and pleasant place. *Activity done by us:- First, we visited there. We saw some birds and wild animals. Our teachers told us many things about them and their lines. Then we played games like hiding and seek, kabaddi an...

Essay on Importance of Tree

                           Importance of Tree *Introduction.   *Benefits of trees   *Effects of cutting trees     *Conclusion *Introduction:- Trees are important for us to live in. They are the best gift of nature for us. They make the environment beautiful and clean. Water and sunlight are very important to grow trees. During photosynthesis, trees generate enough oxygen. Thus trees provide us with our life’s two basic need i.e. food and oxygen. Without trees, there is no life on the earth. *Benefits of Trees:- There are many benefits of trees. These can not be counted. Trees consume carbon dioxide and generate oxygen. Without oxygen, we cannot live for more than one minute. Trees provide fuel, wood, fruits, shelter to birds and animals, etc. Many medicines are prepared from trees. Trees protect our land from erosion and maintain the fertility of the soil. Planting trees saves water ...

Essay on Life without Television

                     Life without Television *Introduction       *Advantage.      *Disadvantage *Conclusion *Introduction:- Television is an important part of our life. It is an audiovisual machine. Television is also called “T.V”. It is a useful device. It gives us knowledge information. It is a great source of entertainment and communication in today’s life.  *Advantages:- There are many advantages of television. It is quite affordable for everyone. It is the main source of entertainment. It provides us with many programs for all ages. Many channels broadcast their shows in many languages. These shows are beneficial for new learners to improve vocabulary. Now a day many T.V channels broadcast educational shows. It educates the students about the latest discoveries of science and technology. It also provides the latest information about agriculture to the farmers. There are many news channels...

Essay on Importance of Newspaper

                    Importance of Newspaper *Introduction     *Importance for awareness *Importance for trade*Importance for education *Conclusion *Introduction:- Newspaper is an important part of our life. Our morning starts with a newspaper. It is an important means of communication in the world. It is a powerhouse of information. It makes the general public aware of what is going on around the world. It is the easiest source of information, education and entertainment. *Importance of awareness:- Newspaper is a powerhouse of information. It provides us with up-to-date information about politics, economics, culture, literature, education, business, games and sports, etc. The newspapers also provide us with articles on different topics. Newspapers also carry advertisement. It spreads awareness and enhances our understanding. It also helps to create jobs for the people. *Importance for Trade:- The newspaper is very useful t...

Essay on Visit to a Historical Place

                       Visit to a Historical Place *Introduction.*Description*Visit to another place *Conclusion *Introduction:- Our history teacher believes in practical teaching. So last month he decided to visit a historic place. He took some students to Agra to see The Taj Mahal and we all enjoyed it very much. *Description of the Taj:- The Taj Mahal is situated on the left bank of the river Yamuna. It is built of white marble. It was built by Shah Jahan in memory of his queen Mumtaz Mahal. The whole building is white. The graves of both king and queen are in the vault of The Taj Mahal. It looks very beautiful in the moonlight. It is a story of true love. *Our visit to another place:- After seeing The Taj Mahal. We went to see the Red Fort the next morning. It is built of red sandstone. So it is called the Red Fort. Then we went to Sikandara to see the mausoleum of Akbar. *Conclusion:- After visiting these historical places...

Essay on Importance of Games and Sports

             Importance of Games and Sports *Introduction.  *Importance.  *Physical Fitness *Mental Fitness *Increase stamina *conclusion *Introduction:- Sports and games are important for both the physical and mental of a person. Our body is like a machine. A machine cannot work without fuel. In the same way, our body cannot work properly if we do not exercise, games and sports. They give us energy. *Importance:- For studies we should be healthy. A weak and unhealthy person cannot study properly. Good health makes work better. Games and sports make us healthy and fit for work. So we should exercise to fit our body. *Physical Fitness:- Sports and Games play a major role in keeping a person fit and fine. It increases the blood flow in the entire body. So this helps in keeping the heart in the best condition. The immunity of the body increases by playing outdoor sports. It helps in keeping our body fat percentage low and makes us a good looking...

Essay on Wonder of Science

                            Wonder of Science *Introduction *Means of transport and communication *Electricity *Medical science *Agriculture      *Computer       *Disadvantage *conclusion *Introduction:- Modern age is the age of science. We are living in the age of science and technology. Science plays an important part in our daily life. It has made our life easier and more comfortable. Science has made great progress in all fields. It has given many wonderful things to mankind. *Means of Transport and Communication:- Buses, cars, trains, ships and aeroplanes are the greatest invention of science. Men can reach any part of the world within seconds. In older days messages took months to reach distant places. But now we have the radio, the telephone, wireless television and mobile phone is also the great invention of science. Now messages reach all areas of the world within seconds. *...

Essay on The Dowry System

                            The Dowry System *Introduction*Dowry in the past and the present *Condition of girl's parents*Conclusion *Introduction:- Today our society is full of evils. The dowry is one of the greatest evils in our society. Due to the dowry, the birth of a girl has become a curse. If a girl is born into a family her birth is supposed to be a misfortune. Here marriage of a girl is settled by her parents. The parents of boys demand dowry from the parents of girls. The parents of a girl have to fulfil the demand. *Dowry in the Past and the Present:- The dowry system is not new for India. It is a very old custom but in old days there was no compulsion. The parents willingly gave presents, ornaments and money to their daughters at the time of their marriage. But in modern times this system has taken a very ugly shape. It has now become a compulsion. It is now demanded and settled after a hard bargain. *Evil...

Essay on Women Education

                          Women Education *Introduction.     *Importance.     *Conclusion *Introduction:- Education is very essential for everyone because it is the only education by which we can differentiate between human beings and animals. Education tells us that how can we live in society. Some has rightly said:- “Plants are developed by cultivation and men by education”. *Importance:- Women education is very important for the proper growth of the country. Women are the real homemakers. Educated women can take care of their families in a better way. If we educate a boy, we educate a boy only but if we educate a girl, We educate the whole family. Women are the first teacher of their children. So if mothers are educated, they can play an important role. They can shape their children better. Women are considered better teacher for children. Men and Women are the two wheels of a family. So bo...

Essay on An Ideal Teacher

            AN IDEAL TEACHER  * INTRODUCTION      *MY IDEAL TEACHER *HIS PERSONALITY.  *QUALITIES *METHODS OF TEACHING  *CONCLUSION *Introduction:- An ideal teacher is a valuable asset to any country. He is a nation-builder in the real sense. He can make his nation great and strong. He shapes his students into good and useful citizens. He works for no reward. He works with a missionary spirit. *My Ideal Teacher:- I respect all the teachers who teach in my school. All of them are good and honest but my Ideal teacher is Mr R.K. Verma, who teaches us English. *His Personality:- He is a very well-dressed, smart and intelligent teacher and leaves an inspiring impression on the students. He has a medium-sized body. He is a middle-aged man. He has a lovable personality. *Qualities:- He is very punctual, regular and never angry. He is kind and  hard working. He also helps all students. He trea...

Essay on My Best Friend

                            My Best Friend *Introduction. *His personality. *His Quality  *His hobby and aim. *Conclusion *Introduction:- I am lucky that I have many friends. Kunal is my best friend. He is an ideal student. He studies in my class. He is sixteen years old. He is a true friend. Meeting a true friend is god gifted. A true friend gives a lifetime of happiness and sorrow. He wears very plain cloth. *His Personality:- He is very simple by nature. He is very polite. He is never angry. His heart is truthful. He respects from small to big. He is always ready to help others. *His Qualities:- He has many good qualities. He always helps me in need. He never tells a lie. He is regular in his morning walk. He is honest and hardworking. He respects and obeys his teachers, parents and elders. He does not waste his time. He never makes a noise in the loss. He is a good player in cricket and volleyball. He is a tr...

Essay on Student Life

                            Student life *Introduction*Main duty*Formation of character *Importance of School and Teacher *Conclusion *Introduction:- Student life is the most important part of every life. It is the golden period of our life. It is the happiest period of our life. Our whole future depends on it. It is the time when we can shape our future. Student life is called the seed time of life.  *Main Duty:- During student life our main duty is to acquire knowledge. For that, we should read books, newspapers and magazines. They will enrich us mentally. We set our goal in life and do hard work to achieve it.  *Formation Of Character:- Character is the crown of a man. It includes good manners, honesty, self-discipline, etc. Student life is the proper time to learn these qualities.  *Importance of School And Teacher:- School is a very important part of a student’s life. In school students read and le...

Essay on The Happiest Day of My Life

                 The Happiest Day of My Life *Introduction   *Occasion    *Birthday party  *Cake cutting. * Conclusion *Introduction:- Man’s life is a mixture of joy and sorrow. The moments of joy come very rarely in his life. Whenever there is an occasion of happiness, man forgets every other thing and we enjoy that moment a lot. *Occasion:- I always celebrate my birthday with modest pomp but this is my 14th birthday which I celebrated yesterday. This birthday was a special day for me. I think it is the happiest day of my life. *Birthday Party:- The party started in our hall in the evening. The place was well lighted with colourful lamps, balloons, ribbons. The chair had been arranged by the servants. A large table was laid in the middle of the room. *Cake Cutting:- I stood before the cake in a good dress. My parents, grandparents and friends surrounded me with love and joy. I cut the cake at 9 P.M. Everybody clapped...

Essay on Life in a Big City

                       Life in a Big City *Introduction    *Advantage.    *Disadvantage *Conclusion *Introduction:- Life in a big city is very fast and busy. City life is very modern and full of technology. There is a great rush in all directions. A large number of people move from one place to another. There are many big buildings. The streets are narrow. Life in a big city is artificial, mechanical and materialistic. *Advantage:- Life in a big city is constantly growing and changing. There are thousands of opportunities for people to learn and develop. The big city has profitable business and career opportunities for every. There are many industries and companies in a big city and they offer good job opportunity to people. There are many schools, colleges and universities in the big city. They have good facilities for students. There are many hospitals in a big city and they have good medical facilities. *...

Essay on The Season You Like Most

                     The Season You Like Most *Introduction *My Favourite Season *Conclusion *Introduction:- There are mainly four seasons in India. They are Summer, Rainy, Winter and Spring. Each season has some special features. In Summer, the days and nights are very hot. In the Rainy season, we get rainfall. The winter is the season of cold. The spring season is neither very hot nor very cold. Each season has its charm and beauty. *My Favorite Season:- Everybody has his likes and dislikes. Different people like different seasons. I like the rainy season most. There is the various reason for it. The rainy season is also called the monsoon season. It is a pleasant season. It begins in June and ends in September. It comes after a long period of the summer season. Farmers in India worship God Indra to rain for their crop. Rain God is the most important god for the farmers in India. Rainy season gives new life to everyone on this ear...

Essay on Discipline

                             Discipline *Introduction. *Importance   *Manage Time   *Games and Sports  *At School. *Conclusion *Introduction:- Discipline is important in human life to maintain a healthy, happy, successful, and prosperous life. Discipline means following your daily routine without any mistake. It teaches us how to live a good and social life. It is said that “No Discipline, No Life”. Discipline is the principle of nature. *Importance in student life:- Discipline is one of the most important things in student life. Student must learn discipline in school because without discipline student can not be well educated. Discipline is of utmost importance in student life. *Manage Time:- If the people follow the discipline then they can manage their time properly and effectively. Good discipline helps people to do all their works on time. If people are not disciplined they waste th...

Essay on My Hobby

                       My Hobby *Introduction  *Kinds of Hobbies  *Importance *My Choice  *Conclusion *Introduction:- ‘Hobby’ means the favourite moment which spends mostly by the people in their free time what we like to do. A hobby gives us joy and happiness. *Kinds of Hobbies:- There are many kinds of hobbies. Some of them are stamp collecting, painting, coin collecting, singing, dancing, gardening, and photography, etc. *Importance:- Hobbies are very important in one’s life. without hobbies, We feel bored. Hobbies give us joy and happiness. Thus we cannot ignore the importance of hobbies. *My Choice:- My hobby is gardening. I think it is the best hobby because trees and plants are very useful for our life. They make the fresh and cool air for us. Plants give us flowers. Trees give us fruits to eat and wood to burn. So, I like trees and plants very much. There is a small garden in front of my house. I grow veg...

Essay on My Ambition in Life

                          My Ambition in Life *Introduction. *My Aim   *Reason for My Choice. *Conclusion *Introduction: Every person has one aim in life. Without aim, life is useless and pointless. Aimless people do not achieve anything in life. People who want to be successfully set their goal and work hard to achieve their goal. Different people have different aims according to their own choice. *My Aim: My aim in life is to be a teacher. The teacher is a nation builder. Teaching is a noble profession. I would do my duties sincerely. I would help the students in every condition. I will teach students carefully. I will also teach them good habits and manner. Teachers are the ones who shape the future of the country. Teachers are like second parents of children. Teachers prepare and guide their students for a successful life. *Reason for my choice: By becoming a teacher I want to educate my country and people wh...

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