The Thief's Story English Class:10th Footprints without Feet Chapter:- 2

  The Thief's  Story English Class:10th Footprints without Feet Chapter:- 2                                        By:- Ruskin Bond   Chapter Overview The story highlights how kindness, compassion and trust can change even criminals. In the story, a 15 year old thief named Hari Singh, undergoes a changes when he meets Anil, a 25 year old writer. Anil's unspoken words and kind gestures leave a very positive impact on Hari Singh's life. As a result, Hari could not rab Anil as he had planned. He realised the importance of education and became a better man under Anil's company. About the Characters Hari Singh:-   (The Narrator) He is a 15 year old, experienced thief. He is keen on learning how to read and write. Anil:-   He is a 25 year old, tall and lean man who earns h...

The Thief's story MCQs with summary Class:10th English

 The Thief's story MCQs with summary 

By:- R.K.Verma 

Chapter:-2, The Thief's Story

By:- Ruskin Bond

 This story is written by Ruskin Bond. It is the story of a thief and a kind hearted person.  Anil, a young man of 25, was a writer. He earned his living by writing books or articles for various magazines. He was a large-hearted and simple man. While Hari Singh was a thief who was expert in the art of stealing. Once, when Anil was watching a wrestling match, He met with him and told his  name Hari Singh, approached him and expressed his desire to serve him. He said that he would cook for him. Anil believed him and gave him the job. Hari Singh was an expert thief and used to change his name and place every month to avoid the police and his old employers. He used to make a rupee daily while buying supplies for him.He works as a cook for Anil

One day, Anil got a bundle of notes. He kept them under his mattress. At night  Hari singh 

 got a chance to steal Anil’s money, from under the mattress. He took the money and ran away to go to another place by train. But He could not do so because of Anil's kindness. He did not want to cheat a large-hearted and simple man like Anil, who had trusted him. He also wanted Anil to teach him to write simple sentences. He immediately came back to Anil’s house and placed the money as it was. Anil Knew everything. But he accepted him again.

Next morning, Anil gave him fifty rupees and told him that he would pay him regularly. Thus the story gives a lesson that trust, goodness and kindness can change any person.

इस कहानी को रस्किन बॉन्ड ने लिखा है। यह एक चोर और एक दयालु इंसान की कहानी है। अनिल 25 साल का  है और एक लेखक है। वह विभिन्न पत्रिकाओं के लिए किताबें या लेख लिखकर अपना जीवन यापन किया करता था । वे बड़े दिल वाले और सीधे-सादे इंसान थे। जबकि हरि सिंह एक चोर था जो चोरी करने में माहिर था। एक बार, जब अनिल कुश्ती का मैच देख रहे था, तो वे उनसे मिले और अपना नाम हरि सिंह बताया, उनके पास पहुंचा और उनके यहाँ काम करने की इच्छा व्यक्त की। उसने कहा कि वह उसके लिए खाना बनाएगा। अनिल ने उस पर विश्वास किया और उसे काम पर रख लिया । हरि सिंह एक कुशल चोर था। पुलिस और अपने पुराने मालिकों से बचने के लिए हर महीने अपना नाम और स्थान बदल लेता था। वह अनिल लिए सामान खरीदा करता था और  रोज एक रुपया बनाया करता  था। वह अनिल के लिए रसोइया का काम करता था।

एक दिन अनिल को नोटों का बंडल मिला। उसने उन्हें अपने गद्दे के नीचे रखा। रात में हरि सिंह गद्दे के नीचे से अनिल के पैसे चुराने का मौका मिला। वह पैसे लेकर ट्रेन से दूसरी जगह जाने के लिए भाग गया। लेकिन अनिल की दया रूपी व्यवहार ने उसे ऐसा नहीं करने दिया। वह अनिल जैसे बड़े दिल वाले और सीधे-सादे आदमी को धोखा नहीं देना चाहता था, जिसने उस पर भरोसा किया था। वह यह भी चाहता था कि अनिल उसे सरल और  लिखना पढना सिखाए। वह तुरंत अनिल के घर वापस आया और पैसे यथावत रख दिए। अनिल सब कुछ जानता था। लेकिन उन्होंने उसे फिर से स्वीकार कर लिया।

अगली सुबह, अनिल ने उसे पचास रुपये दिए और कहा कि वह उसे नियमित रूप से भुगतान करेगा। इस प्रकार कहानी एक सबक देती है कि विश्वास, अच्छाई और दया किसी भी व्यक्ति को बदल सकती है।

The Thief's story MCQs video:- 

  Chapter:-2, The Thief's Story MCQs


The Thief's Story MCQs from Footprints without Feet

Q. 1 Who is the author of the story "The Thief's story "?

  1. James Herriot

  2. Robert Arthur

  3. Ruskin Bond

  4. Victor Canning

Q. 2 What is he a  " fairly successful hand" at?

  1. Stealing

  2. Wrestling

  3. Deceiving

  4. Working hard

Q. 3 What is the name of the boy?

  1. Anil Singh

  2. Hari Singh

  3. Hari Lal

  4. None of these

Q. 4 What was the boy's age?

  1. 25

  2. 20

  3. 15

  4. None of these 

Q. 5 What was the boy's real profession?

  1. Working honestly 

  2. Theft

  3. Cheating

  4. A household servant

Q. 6 What was Anil's age?

  1. 25

  2. 20

  3. 15

  4. None of these 

Q. 7 What was Anil's profession?

  1. Wrestling 

  2. Wrote articles for magazines 

  3. Acting

  4. Business

Q. 8 How does Anil look?

  1. Kind

  2. Simple

  3. Easy-going

  4. All of the above 

Q. 9 What do you mean by the word "unlined" ?

  1. Showing no sign of worry or anxiety 

  2. In a line

  3. Many lines

  4. None of the above

Q. 10 "a queer way to earn money " what is the meaning of the word "queer" ?

  1. Famous 

  2. Strange 

  3. Rare

  4. Illegal

Q. 11 How did the narrator attempt at being friends with Anil?

  1. Teasing him

  2. Introducing himself 

  3. Flattering him

  4. None of the above

Q. 12 What was Anil doing when the boy met him?

  1. Cooking

  2. Playing

  3. Watching a Wrestling match 

  4. Writing an article

Q. 13 What did the boy ask Anil for?

  1. To employ him

  2. To give him food

  3. To give him money

  4. To teach him

Q. 14 How often did he change his name?

  1. Every day 

  2. Every week 

  3. Every month 

  4. Every year 

Q. 15 He changed his name in order to stay ahead of…………..

  1. Police

  2. employers 

  3. Both of them 

  4. None of them 

Q. 16 What name did he tell Anil?

  1. Anil Singh

  2. Hari Singh

  3. Hari Lal

  4. Anil Lal

Q. 17 What was the name of the shop above which Anil lived?

  1. Rasagulla Sweet Shop

  2. Laddu Sweet Shop

  3. Jamun Sweet Shop

  4. Jumna Sweet Shop

Q. 18 How was the meal he cooked the first night?

  1. Delicious 

  2. Finger-licking good

  3. Mouth-watering

  4. Terrible

Q. 19 What did Anil do to the food cooked by the boy the first day?

  1. Put it in the cupboard

  2. Ate it with enjoy 

  3. Threw it to a stray dog

  4. Asked the boy to eat it all

Q. 20 What did Anil promise him to teach?

  1. Write his name 

  2. Write full sentences

  3. Cook

  4. All of the above

Q. 21 Did Anil mind his petty ways of earning money?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. May be

  4. He didn't earn through petty ways

Q. 22 Who is easier to rob?

  1. A greedy man

  2. A trusting man

  3. A careless man

  4. Anil

Q. 23 How much money did he steal?

  1. 500

  2. 600

  3. 700

  4. 800

Q. 24 Did he get away on the Lucknow Express?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. May be

  4. None of the above 

Q. 25 What did he do with the money?

  1. Bought a Cycle with it

  2. Threw it

  3. Ran away with it

  4. Returned it

Q. 26 Did Anil say anything about the robbery?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. May be

  4. None of these 

Q. 27 Why does Hari return the money?

  1. He wanted to learn to write 

  2. He felt bad

  3. He was worried about Anil

  4. None of these

Q. 28 Who does "I" refer to in the story?

  1. Anil

  2. Hari

  3. A greedy man

  4. None of the above

Answer key:- 

  1. C

  2. a

  3. a

  4. c

  5. b

  6. a

  7. b

  8. d

  9. a

  10. b

  11. c

  12. c

  13. a

  14. c

  15. c

  16. b

  17. d

  18. d

  19. c

  20. d

  21. b

  22. a

  23. b

  24. b

  25. d

  26. b

  27. a

  28. b


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